PathInstance: Commands: Displays a list of all PathInstance commands.
PIals: PathInstance: Attribute List: Displays a listing of raw attributes of the selected Path.
PIcp: PathInstance: Copy: Create a copy of a selected Path.
PIdf: PathInstance: Duration Fraction: Provide a new list of duration fractions for each pitch group of the active Path. Duration fractions are proportional weightings that scale a total duration provided by a Texture. When used within a Texture, each pitch group of the Path will be sustained for this proportional duration. Values must be given in a comma-separated list, and can be percentages or real values.
PIe: PathInstance: Edit: Edit a single Multiset in the active Path.
PIh: PathInstance: Hear: Creates a temporary Texture with the active Path and the active TextureModule, and uses this Texture to write a short sample EventList as a temporary MIDI file. This file is written in the scratch directory specified by APdir command. If possible, this file is opened and presented to the user.
PIls: PathInstance: List: Displays a list of all Paths.
PImv: PathInstance: Move: Rename a Path, and all Texture references to that Path.
PIn: PathInstance: New: Create a new Path from user-specified pitch groups. Users may specify pitch groups in a variety of formats. A Forte set class number (6-23A), a pitch-class set (4,3,9), a pitch-space set (-3, 23.2, 14), standard pitch letter names (A, C##, E~, G#), MIDI note numbers (58m, 62m), frequency values (222hz, 1403hz), a Xenakis sieve (5&3|11), or an Audacity frequency-analysis file (import) all may be provided. Pitches may be specified by letter name (psName), pitch space (psReal), pitch class, MIDI note number, or frequency. Pitch letter names may be specified as follows: a sharp is represented as "#"; a flat is represented as "$"; a quarter sharp is represented as "~"; multiple sharps, quarter sharps, and flats are valid. Octave numbers (where middle-C is C4) can be used with pitch letter names to provide register. Pitch space values (as well as pitch class) place C4 at 0.0. MIDI note numbers place C4 at 60. Numerical representations may encode microtones with additional decimal places. MIDI note-numbers and frequency values must contain the appropriate unit as a string ("m" or "hz"). Xenakis sieves are entered using logic constructions of residual classes. Residual classes are specified by a modulus and shift, where modulus 3 at shift 1 is notated 3@1. Logical operations are notated with "&" (and), "|" (or), "^" (symmetric difference), and "-" (complementation). Residual classes and logical operators may be nested and grouped by use of braces ({}). Complementation can be applied to a single residual class or a group of residual classes. For example: -{7@0|{-5@2&-4@3}}. When entering a sieve as a pitch set, the logic string may be followed by two comma-separated pitch notations for register bounds. For example "3@2|4, c1, c4" will take the sieve between c1 and c4. Audacity frequency-analysis files can be produced with the cross-platform open-source audio editor Audacity. In Audacity, under menu View, select Plot Spectrum, configure, and export. The file must have a .txt extension. To use the file-browser, enter "import"; to select the file from the prompt, enter the complete file path, optionally followed by a comma and the number of ranked pitches to read.
PIo: PathInstance: Select: Select the active Path. Used for "PIret", "PIrot", "PIslc", and "TIn".
PIret: PathInstance: Retrograde: Creates a new Path from the retrograde of the active Path. All PathVoices are preserved in the new Path.
PIrm (name): PathInstance: Remove: Delete a selected Path.
PIrot: PathInstance: Rotation: Creates a new Path from the rotation of the active Path. Note: since a rotation creates a map not previously defined, PathVoices are not preserved in the new Path.
PIslc: PathInstance: Slice: Creates a new Path from a slice of the active Path. All PathVoices are preserved in the new Path.
PIv: PathInstance: View: Displays all properties of the active Path.