athenaCL Tutorial Manual

Third Edition, Version 2.0.0a15

Christopher Ariza

athenaCL is free software, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Apple, Macintosh, Mac OS, and QuickTime are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Finale is a trademark of MakeMusic! Inc. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. Max/MSP is a trademark of Cycling '74. Microsoft Windows and Visual Basic are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. PDF and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe, Inc. Sibelius is a trademark of Sibelius Software Ltd. is a trademark of VA Software Corporation. UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Table of Contents
1. Overview of the athenaCL System
2. Getting Started and Advanced Work
3. More Information
4. Conventions Used in This Manual
5. Production of This Manual
1. Tutorial 1: The Interactive Command Line Interface
1.1. Starting the athenaCL Interpreter
1.2. Introduction to Commands
1.3. Viewing Command Names
1.4. Executing Commands
1.5. Getting Help for Commands
1.6. Configuring the User Environment
2. Tutorial 2: AthenaObjects and EventModes
2.1. Introduction to AthenaObjects
2.2. File Dialogs in athenaCL
2.3. Loading and Removing an AthenaObject
2.4. EventModes and EventOutputs
2.5. Creating an EventList
2.6. Configuring and Using Csound
2.7. Saving and Merging AthenaObjects
3. Tutorial 3: Creating and Editing Paths
3.1. Introduction to Paths
3.2. Creating, Selecting, and Viewing PathInstances
3.3. Copying and Removing PathInstances
3.4. Editing PathInstances
4. Tutorial 4: Creating and Editing Textures
4.1. Introduction to Textures and ParameterObjects
4.2. Introduction Instrument Models
4.3. Selecting and Viewing TextureModules
4.4. Creating, Selecting, and Viewing TextureInstances
4.5. Copying and Removing Texture Instances
4.6. Editing TextureInstance Attributes
4.7. Muting Textures
4.8. Viewing and Searching ParameterObjects
4.9. Editing ParameterObjects
4.10. Editing Rhythm ParameterObjects
4.11. Editing Instruments and Altering EventMode
4.12. Displaying Texture Parameter Values
5. Tutorial 5: Textures and Paths
5.1. Path Linking and Pitch Formation Redundancy
5.2. Creating a Path with a Duration Fraction
5.3. Setting EventMode and Creating a Texture
5.4. PitchMode
5.5. Editing Local Octave
5.6. Editing Local Field and Temperament
6. Tutorial 6: Textures and Clones
6.1. Introduction to Clones
6.2. Creating and Editing Clones
7. Tutorial 7: Scripting athenaCL in Python
7.1. Creating an athenaCL Interpreter within Python
7.2. Creating athenaCL Generator ParameterObjects within Python
7.3. Creating athenaCL Generator ParameterObjects within Csound
A. Installation Instructions (readme.txt)
B. Command Reference
B.1. AthenaHistory Commands
B.1.1. AH
B.1.2. AHexe
B.1.3. AHls
B.1.4. AHrm
B.2. AthenaObject Commands
B.2.1. AO
B.2.2. AOals
B.2.3. AOl
B.2.4. AOmg
B.2.5. AOrm
B.2.6. AOw
B.3. AthenaPreferences Commands
B.3.1. AP
B.3.2. APa
B.3.3. APcurs
B.3.4. APdir
B.3.5. APdlg
B.3.6. APea
B.3.7. APgfx
B.3.8. APr
B.3.9. APwid
B.4. AthenaUtility Commands
B.4.1. AU
B.4.2. AUbeat
B.4.3. AUbug
B.4.4. AUca
B.4.5. AUdoc
B.4.6. AUlog
B.4.7. AUma
B.4.8. AUmg
B.4.9. AUpc
B.4.10. AUsys
B.4.11. AUup
B.5. EventList Commands
B.5.1. EL
B.5.2. ELauto
B.5.3. ELh
B.5.4. ELn
B.5.5. ELr
B.5.6. ELv
B.5.7. ELw
B.6. EventMode Commands
B.6.1. EM
B.6.2. EMi
B.6.3. EMls
B.6.4. EMo
B.6.5. EMv
B.7. EventOutput Commands
B.7.1. EO
B.7.2. EOls
B.7.3. EOo
B.7.4. EOrm
B.8. PathInstance Commands
B.8.1. PI
B.8.2. PIals
B.8.3. PIcp
B.8.4. PIdf
B.8.5. PIe
B.8.6. PIh
B.8.7. PIls
B.8.8. PImv
B.8.9. PIn
B.8.10. PIo
B.8.11. PIret
B.8.12. PIrm
B.8.13. PIrot
B.8.14. PIslc
B.8.15. PIv
B.9. TextureClone Commands
B.9.1. TC
B.9.2. TCals
B.9.3. TCcp
B.9.4. TCdoc
B.9.5. TCe
B.9.6. TCls
B.9.7. TCmap
B.9.8. TCmute
B.9.9. TCn
B.9.10. TCo
B.9.11. TCrm
B.9.12. TCv
B.10. TextureEnsemble Commands
B.10.1. TE
B.10.2. TEe
B.10.3. TEmap
B.10.4. TEmidi
B.10.5. TEv
B.11. TextureInstance Commands
B.11.1. TI
B.11.2. TIals
B.11.3. TIcp
B.11.4. TIdoc
B.11.5. TIe
B.11.6. TIls
B.11.7. TImap
B.11.8. TImidi
B.11.9. TImode
B.11.10. TImute
B.11.11. TImv
B.11.12. TIn
B.11.13. TIo
B.11.14. TIrm
B.11.15. TIv
B.12. TextureModule Commands
B.12.1. TM
B.12.2. TMls
B.12.3. TMo
B.12.4. TMv
B.13. TextureParameter Commands
B.13.1. TP
B.13.2. TPe
B.13.3. TPls
B.13.4. TPmap
B.13.5. TPv
B.14. TextureTemperament Commands
B.14.1. TT
B.14.2. TTls
B.14.3. TTo
B.15. Other Commands
B.15.1. cmd
B.15.2. help
B.15.3. py
B.15.4. pypath
B.15.5. q
B.15.6. quit
B.15.7. shell
C. ParameterObject Reference and Examples
C.1. Generator ParameterObjects
C.1.1. accumulator (a)
C.1.2. basketFill (bf)
C.1.3. basketFillSelect (bfs)
C.1.4. basketGen (bg)
C.1.5. breakGraphFlat (bgf)
C.1.6. breakGraphHalfCosine (bghc)
C.1.7. breakGraphLinear (bgl)
C.1.8. breakGraphPower (bgp)
C.1.9. breakPointFlat (bpf)
C.1.10. breakPointHalfCosine (bphc)
C.1.11. breakPointLinear (bpl)
C.1.12. breakPointPower (bpp)
C.1.13. basketSelect (bs)
C.1.14. constant (c)
C.1.15. constantFile (cf)
C.1.16. cyclicGen (cg)
C.1.17. caList (cl)
C.1.18. caValue (cv)
C.1.19. directorySelect (ds)
C.1.20. envelopeGeneratorAdsr (ega)
C.1.21. envelopeGeneratorTrapezoid (egt)
C.1.22. envelopeGeneratorUnit (egu)
C.1.23. funnelBinary (fb)
C.1.24. feedbackModelLibrary (fml)
C.1.25. fibonacciSeries (fs)
C.1.26. grammarTerminus (gt)
C.1.27. henonBasket (hb)
C.1.28. iterateCross (ic)
C.1.29. iterateGroup (ig)
C.1.30. iterateHold (ih)
C.1.31. iterateSelect (is)
C.1.32. iterateWindow (iw)
C.1.33. lorenzBasket (lb)
C.1.34. logisticMap (lm)
C.1.35. listPrime (lp)
C.1.36. lineSegment (ls)
C.1.37. mask (m)
C.1.38. markovGeneratorAnalysis (mga)
C.1.39. maskReject (mr)
C.1.40. maskScale (ms)
C.1.41. markovValue (mv)
C.1.42. noise (n)
C.1.43. operatorAdd (oa)
C.1.44. operatorCongruence (oc)
C.1.45. operatorDivide (od)
C.1.46. operatorMultiply (om)
C.1.47. oneOver (oo)
C.1.48. operatorPower (op)
C.1.49. operatorSubtract (os)
C.1.50. pathRead (pr)
C.1.51. quantize (q)
C.1.52. randomBeta (rb)
C.1.53. randomBilateralExponential (rbe)
C.1.54. randomCauchy (rc)
C.1.55. randomExponential (re)
C.1.56. randomGauss (rg)
C.1.57. randomInverseExponential (rie)
C.1.58. randomInverseLinear (ril)
C.1.59. randomInverseTriangular (rit)
C.1.60. randomLinear (rl)
C.1.61. randomTriangular (rt)
C.1.62. randomUniform (ru)
C.1.63. randomWeibull (rw)
C.1.64. sampleAndHold (sah)
C.1.65. sieveFunnel (sf)
C.1.66. sieveList (sl)
C.1.67. sampleSelect (ss)
C.1.68. typeFormat (tf)
C.1.69. valuePrime (vp)
C.1.70. valueSieve (vs)
C.1.71. waveCosine (wc)
C.1.72. waveHalfPeriodCosine (whpc)
C.1.73. waveHalfPeriodPulse (whpp)
C.1.74. waveHalfPeriodSine (whps)
C.1.75. waveHalfPeriodTriangle (whpt)
C.1.76. wavePulse (wp)
C.1.77. wavePowerDown (wpd)
C.1.78. wavePowerUp (wpu)
C.1.79. waveSine (ws)
C.1.80. waveSawDown (wsd)
C.1.81. waveSawUp (wsu)
C.1.82. waveTriangle (wt)
C.2. Rhythm ParameterObjects
C.2.1. binaryAccent (ba)
C.2.2. convertSecond (cs)
C.2.3. convertSecondTriple (cst)
C.2.4. gaRhythm (gr)
C.2.5. iterateRhythmGroup (irg)
C.2.6. iterateRhythmHold (irh)
C.2.7. iterateRhythmWindow (irw)
C.2.8. loop (l)
C.2.9. markovPulse (mp)
C.2.10. markovRhythmAnalysis (mra)
C.2.11. pulseSieve (ps)
C.2.12. pulseTriple (pt)
C.2.13. rhythmSieve (rs)
C.3. Filter ParameterObjects
C.3.1. bypass (b)
C.3.2. filterAdd (fa)
C.3.3. filterDivide (fd)
C.3.4. filterDivideAnchor (fda)
C.3.5. filterFunnelBinary (ffb)
C.3.6. filterMultiply (fm)
C.3.7. filterMultiplyAnchor (fma)
C.3.8. filterPower (fp)
C.3.9. filterQuantize (fq)
C.3.10. maskFilter (mf)
C.3.11. maskScaleFilter (msf)
C.3.12. orderBackward (ob)
C.3.13. orderRotate (or)
C.3.14. pipeLine (pl)
C.3.15. replace (r)
C.4. TextureStatic ParameterObjects
C.4.1. eventDensityPartition (edp)
C.4.2. interpolationMethodControl (imc)
C.4.3. levelEventCount (lec)
C.4.4. levelEventPartition (lep)
C.4.5. levelFrameDuration (lfd)
C.4.6. levelFieldMonophonic (lfm)
C.4.7. levelFieldPolyphonic (lfp)
C.4.8. levelOctaveMonophonic (lom)
C.4.9. levelOctavePolyphonic (lop)
C.4.10. loopWithinSet (lws)
C.4.11. multisetSelectorControl (msc)
C.4.12. maxTimeOffset (mto)
C.4.13. ornamentLibrarySelect (ols)
C.4.14. ornamentMaxDensity (omd)
C.4.15. pathDurationFraction (pdf)
C.4.16. parameterInterpolationControl (pic)
C.4.17. parallelMotionList (pml)
C.4.18. pitchSelectorControl (psc)
C.4.19. snapEventTime (set)
C.4.20. snapSustainTime (sst)
C.4.21. totalEventCount (tec)
C.4.22. totalSegmentCount (tsc)
C.5. CloneStatic ParameterObjects
C.5.1. retrogradeMethodToggle (rmt)
C.5.2. timeReferenceSource (trs)
D. Temperament and TextureModule Reference
D.1. Temperaments
D.1.1. Temperament Interleave24Even
D.1.2. Temperament Interleave24Odd
D.1.3. Temperament Just
D.1.4. Temperament MeanTone
D.1.5. Temperament NoiseHeavy
D.1.6. Temperament NoiseLight
D.1.7. Temperament NoiseMedium
D.1.8. Temperament Pythagorean
D.1.9. Temperament Split24Lower
D.1.10. Temperament Split24Upper
D.1.11. Temperament TwelveEqual
D.2. TextureModules
D.2.1. TextureModule DroneArticulate
D.2.2. TextureModule DroneSustain
D.2.3. TextureModule HarmonicAssembly
D.2.4. TextureModule HarmonicShuffle
D.2.5. TextureModule InterpolateFill
D.2.6. TextureModule InterpolateLine
D.2.7. TextureModule IntervalExpansion
D.2.8. TextureModule LineCluster
D.2.9. TextureModule LineGroove
D.2.10. TextureModule LiteralHorizontal
D.2.11. TextureModule LiteralVertical
D.2.12. TextureModule MonophonicOrnament
D.2.13. TextureModule TimeFill
D.2.14. TextureModule TimeSegment
E. OutputFormat and OutputEngine Reference
E.1. OutputFormats
E.1.1. acToolbox
E.1.2. audioFile
E.1.3. csoundBatch
E.1.4. csoundData
E.1.5. csoundOrchestra
E.1.6. csoundScore
E.1.7. midiFile
E.1.8. pureDataArray
E.1.9. scScd
E.1.10. textSpace
E.1.11. textTab
E.1.12. xmlAthenaObject
E.2. OutputEngines
E.2.1. EngineAcToolbox
E.2.2. EngineAudioFile
E.2.3. EngineCsoundExternal
E.2.4. EngineCsoundNative
E.2.5. EngineCsoundSilence
E.2.6. EngineMidiFile
E.2.7. EnginePureDataArray
E.2.8. EngineSuperColliderTask
E.2.9. EngineText
F. Demonstration Command Scripts in Python
F.1. MIDI-based Output
F.1.1. Configuring Rhythms
F.1.2. Configuring Time Range
F.1.3. Building a Basic Beat
F.1.4. Building a Basic Beat with a Complex Snare Part
F.1.5. Building a Basic Beat with Canonic Snare Imitation
F.1.6. Building an Extended Rhythmic Line with Canonic Imitation
F.1.7. Creating Mensural Canons
F.1.8. Building an Extended Rhythmic Line with Fixed Tempo Phasing
F.1.9. Building an Extended Rhythmic Line with Dynamic Tempo Phasing
F.1.10. Grouping Selection
F.1.11. Tendency Mask: Random Values between Breakpoint Functions
F.1.12. Tendency Mask: Random Values between Triangle Generators
F.1.13. Large Scale Amplitude Behavior with Operators
F.1.14. 1/f Noise in Melodic Generation: LineGroove
F.1.15. 1/f Noise in Melodic Generation: HarmonicAssembly
F.1.16. Self Similar Markovian Melody Generation and Transposition
F.1.17. Markov-Based Proportional Rhythm Generation
F.1.18. Markov-Based Value Generation
F.1.19. Deploying Pitch Sieves with HarmonicAssembly
F.1.20. The CA as a Generator of Melodies
F.1.21. The CA as a Generator of Rhythms
F.1.22. Evolving African Drum Patterns with a GA: Two Durations
F.1.23. Evolving African Drum Patterns with a GA: Combinations of Rests and Silences
F.1.24. Evolving African Drum Patterns with a GA: Multiple Rhythmic Values
F.1.25. Evolving African Drum Patterns with a GA: Multiple Rhythmic Values
F.1.26. Grammar States as Accent Patterns
F.1.27. Grammar States as Pitch Values
F.1.28. Grammar States as Pitch Transpositions
F.1.29. Grammar States as Path Index Values
F.1.30. Feedback System as Dynamic Contour
F.1.31. Feedback System as Path Index Values
F.2. Csound-based Output
F.2.1. Testing Csound
F.2.2. A Noise Instrument
F.2.3. A Sample Playback Instrument
F.2.4. A Sample Playback Instrument with Variable Playback Rate
F.2.5. Composing with Densities using TM TimeFill and a Noise Instrument
F.2.6. Composing with Densities using TM TimeFill and a Single Sample
F.2.7. Polyphonic Sine Grains LineGroove
F.2.8. Polyphonic Sine Grains: DroneArticulate
F.2.9. Polyphonic Sample Grains from a Single Audio File: LineGroove
F.2.10. Polyphonic Sample Grains from a Multiple Audio Files: LineGroove
F.2.11. Polyphonic Sample Grains from a Multiple Audio Files: LineGroove
G. Frequently Asked Questions
List of Examples
1-1. Initialization information
1-2. Listing all commands
1-3. Entering a command
1-4. Entering a command with arguments
1-5. Displaying a command listing
1-6. Using the help command
1-7. Accessing additional help topics
1-8. Toggling the athenaCL cursor tool with APcurs
1-9. Setting the scratch directory with APdir
1-10. Creating a MIDI file with PIh
1-11. Setting the active graphics format with APgfx
1-12. Producing a graphical diagram with TPmap
2-1. Changing the file dialog style with APdlg
2-2. Loading an AthenaObject with text-based file selection
2-3. Listing TextureInstances with Tils
2-4. Reinitializing the AthenaObject with AOrm
2-5. Loading an AthenaObject from the command-line
2-6. Viewing EventMode and EventOutputs
2-7. Adding and Removing EventOutputs
2-8. Creating a new EventList with Eln
2-9. Opening an EventList with Elh
2-10. Creating a new EventList with Eln and command-line arguments
2-11. Changing the Csound audio file format with CPff
2-12. Rendering a Csound score
2-13. Opening Csound-generated audio files with ELh
2-14. Merging AthenaObjects with AOmg
2-15. Listing TextureInstances
2-16. Creating a new AthenaObject with AOw
3-1. Creating a new PathInstance with PIn
3-2. Viewing a Path with PIv
3-3. Creating a MIDI file with PIh
3-4. Creating a Path with Forte numbers
3-5. Displaying a Path
3-6. Listing Paths
3-7. Selecting Paths
3-8. Selecting a Path with an argument
3-9. Copying a Path with PIcp
3-10. Removing a Path with PIrm
3-11. Creating a retrograde of a Path with PIret
3-12. Creating a rotation of a Path with PIrot
3-13. Creating a slice of a Path with PIslc
3-14. Transposing a set within a Path
3-15. Replacing a Multiset with a new Multiset
4-1. Listing available Instruments with EMi
4-2. Examining additional Instruments with EMi
4-3. Listing TextureModules with TMls
4-4. Selecting the active TextureModule with TMo
4-5. Viewing details of the active TextureModule
4-6. Creating a new TextureInstance with TIn
4-7. Creating a new EventList with ELn
4-8. Viewing a TextureInstance
4-9. Creating and viewing a TextureInstance
4-10. Listing all TextureInstances
4-11. Selecting the active TextureInstance
4-12. Viewing parameter values for all Textures
4-13. Copying a TextureInstance
4-14. Removing a TextureInstance
4-15. Editing a TextureInstance
4-16. Editing a single parameter of all Textures with TEe
4-17. Generating a graphical display of Texture position with TEmap
4-18. Muting a Texture with TImute
4-19. Removing mute status with TImute
4-20. Displaying all ParameterObjects with TPls
4-21. Viewing ParameterObject reference information
4-22. ParameterObject Map display with TPmap
4-23. ParameterObject Map display with TPmap
4-24. Editing the panning of a TextureInstance
4-25. Editing the panning of a TextureInstance
4-26. View Pulse and Rhythm help
4-27. Editing Rhythm ParameterObjects with TIe
4-28. Editing Rhythm ParameterObjects with TIe
4-29. Editing BPM with TEe
4-30. Changing EventMode and editing Texture instrument
4-31. Examining Texture documentation with TIdoc
4-32. Creating a new EventList with ELn
4-33. Viewing a Texture with TImap
5-1. Creating a Path with PIn
5-2. Altering a Path's durFraction with PIdf
5-3. Creating a Texture with TM LiteralVertical
5-4. Editing a Texture
5-5. Editing PitchMode of a TextureInstance
5-6. Editing Local Octave
5-7. Editing TextureStatic
5-8. Listing all TextureTemperaments
5-9. Selecting Texture Temperament with TTo
6-1. Creating a Texture
6-2. Creating and Viewing a Clone with TCn and TCv
6-3. Editing a Clone with TCe
6-4. Listing and Selecting Clones with TCls and TCo
6-5. Creating and Editing Clones
6-6. Viewing Textures and Clones with TEmap
7-1. An athenaCL Interpreter in Python
7-2. Creating a Generator ParameterObject
C-1. accumulator Demonstration 1
C-2. accumulator Demonstration 2
C-3. basketFill Demonstration 1
C-4. basketFillSelect Demonstration 1
C-5. basketGen Demonstration 1
C-6. basketGen Demonstration 2
C-7. basketGen Demonstration 3
C-8. breakGraphFlat Demonstration 1
C-9. breakGraphHalfCosine Demonstration 1
C-10. breakGraphLinear Demonstration 1
C-11. breakGraphPower Demonstration 1
C-12. breakPointFlat Demonstration 1
C-13. breakPointFlat Demonstration 2
C-14. breakPointFlat Demonstration 3
C-15. breakPointHalfCosine Demonstration 1
C-16. breakPointHalfCosine Demonstration 2
C-17. breakPointHalfCosine Demonstration 3
C-18. breakPointLinear Demonstration 1
C-19. breakPointLinear Demonstration 2
C-20. breakPointLinear Demonstration 3
C-21. breakPointPower Demonstration 1
C-22. breakPointPower Demonstration 2
C-23. breakPointPower Demonstration 3
C-24. basketSelect Demonstration 1
C-25. constant Demonstration 1
C-26. cyclicGen Demonstration 1
C-27. cyclicGen Demonstration 2
C-28. caList Demonstration 1
C-29. caList Demonstration 2
C-30. caValue Demonstration 1
C-31. caValue Demonstration 2
C-32. caValue Demonstration 3
C-33. envelopeGeneratorAdsr Demonstration 1
C-34. envelopeGeneratorAdsr Demonstration 2
C-35. envelopeGeneratorAdsr Demonstration 3
C-36. envelopeGeneratorTrapezoid Demonstration 1
C-37. envelopeGeneratorTrapezoid Demonstration 2
C-38. envelopeGeneratorTrapezoid Demonstration 3
C-39. envelopeGeneratorUnit Demonstration 1
C-40. envelopeGeneratorUnit Demonstration 2
C-41. funnelBinary Demonstration 1
C-42. funnelBinary Demonstration 2
C-43. feedbackModelLibrary Demonstration 1
C-44. fibonacciSeries Demonstration 1
C-45. fibonacciSeries Demonstration 2
C-46. fibonacciSeries Demonstration 3
C-47. grammarTerminus Demonstration 1
C-48. henonBasket Demonstration 1
C-49. henonBasket Demonstration 2
C-50. henonBasket Demonstration 3
C-51. iterateCross Demonstration 1
C-52. iterateCross Demonstration 2
C-53. iterateGroup Demonstration 1
C-54. iterateGroup Demonstration 2
C-55. iterateHold Demonstration 1
C-56. iterateHold Demonstration 2
C-57. iterateSelect Demonstration 1
C-58. iterateSelect Demonstration 2
C-59. iterateWindow Demonstration 1
C-60. iterateWindow Demonstration 2
C-61. lorenzBasket Demonstration 1
C-62. lorenzBasket Demonstration 2
C-63. logisticMap Demonstration 1
C-64. logisticMap Demonstration 2
C-65. logisticMap Demonstration 3
C-66. listPrime Demonstration 1
C-67. listPrime Demonstration 2
C-68. listPrime Demonstration 3
C-69. lineSegment Demonstration 1
C-70. lineSegment Demonstration 2
C-71. lineSegment Demonstration 3
C-72. mask Demonstration 1
C-73. mask Demonstration 2
C-74. mask Demonstration 3
C-75. markovGeneratorAnalysis Demonstration 1
C-76. markovGeneratorAnalysis Demonstration 2
C-77. markovGeneratorAnalysis Demonstration 3
C-78. maskReject Demonstration 1
C-79. maskReject Demonstration 2
C-80. maskReject Demonstration 3
C-81. maskScale Demonstration 1
C-82. markovValue Demonstration 1
C-83. markovValue Demonstration 2
C-84. noise Demonstration 1
C-85. noise Demonstration 2
C-86. noise Demonstration 3
C-87. noise Demonstration 4
C-88. operatorAdd Demonstration 1
C-89. operatorCongruence Demonstration 1
C-90. operatorDivide Demonstration 1
C-91. operatorMultiply Demonstration 1
C-92. oneOver Demonstration 1
C-93. operatorPower Demonstration 1
C-94. operatorSubtract Demonstration 1
C-95. quantize Demonstration 1
C-96. quantize Demonstration 2
C-97. quantize Demonstration 3
C-98. randomBeta Demonstration 1
C-99. randomBeta Demonstration 2
C-100. randomBilateralExponential Demonstration 1
C-101. randomBilateralExponential Demonstration 2
C-102. randomBilateralExponential Demonstration 3
C-103. randomCauchy Demonstration 1
C-104. randomCauchy Demonstration 2
C-105. randomCauchy Demonstration 3
C-106. randomExponential Demonstration 1
C-107. randomExponential Demonstration 2
C-108. randomExponential Demonstration 3
C-109. randomGauss Demonstration 1
C-110. randomGauss Demonstration 2
C-111. randomInverseExponential Demonstration 1
C-112. randomInverseExponential Demonstration 2
C-113. randomInverseExponential Demonstration 3
C-114. randomInverseLinear Demonstration 1
C-115. randomInverseLinear Demonstration 2
C-116. randomInverseTriangular Demonstration 1
C-117. randomInverseTriangular Demonstration 2
C-118. randomLinear Demonstration 1
C-119. randomLinear Demonstration 2
C-120. randomTriangular Demonstration 1
C-121. randomTriangular Demonstration 2
C-122. randomUniform Demonstration 1
C-123. randomUniform Demonstration 2
C-124. randomWeibull Demonstration 1
C-125. randomWeibull Demonstration 2
C-126. randomWeibull Demonstration 3
C-127. sampleAndHold Demonstration 1
C-128. sampleAndHold Demonstration 2
C-129. sampleAndHold Demonstration 3
C-130. sieveFunnel Demonstration 1
C-131. sieveFunnel Demonstration 2
C-132. sieveFunnel Demonstration 3
C-133. sieveList Demonstration 1
C-134. valuePrime Demonstration 1
C-135. valuePrime Demonstration 2
C-136. valueSieve Demonstration 1
C-137. valueSieve Demonstration 2
C-138. valueSieve Demonstration 3
C-139. valueSieve Demonstration 4
C-140. waveCosine Demonstration 1
C-141. waveCosine Demonstration 2
C-142. waveCosine Demonstration 3
C-143. waveHalfPeriodCosine Demonstration 1
C-144. waveHalfPeriodCosine Demonstration 2
C-145. waveHalfPeriodPulse Demonstration 1
C-146. waveHalfPeriodPulse Demonstration 2
C-147. waveHalfPeriodPulse Demonstration 3
C-148. waveHalfPeriodPulse Demonstration 4
C-149. waveHalfPeriodSine Demonstration 1
C-150. waveHalfPeriodSine Demonstration 2
C-151. waveHalfPeriodSine Demonstration 3
C-152. waveHalfPeriodSine Demonstration 4
C-153. waveHalfPeriodTriangle Demonstration 1
C-154. waveHalfPeriodTriangle Demonstration 2
C-155. wavePulse Demonstration 1
C-156. wavePulse Demonstration 2
C-157. wavePulse Demonstration 3
C-158. wavePowerDown Demonstration 1
C-159. wavePowerDown Demonstration 2
C-160. wavePowerDown Demonstration 3
C-161. wavePowerUp Demonstration 1
C-162. wavePowerUp Demonstration 2
C-163. wavePowerUp Demonstration 3
C-164. waveSine Demonstration 1
C-165. waveSine Demonstration 2
C-166. waveSine Demonstration 3
C-167. waveSine Demonstration 4
C-168. waveSawDown Demonstration 1
C-169. waveSawDown Demonstration 2
C-170. waveSawDown Demonstration 3
C-171. waveSawUp Demonstration 1
C-172. waveSawUp Demonstration 2
C-173. waveSawUp Demonstration 3
C-174. waveTriangle Demonstration 1
C-175. waveTriangle Demonstration 2
C-176. waveTriangle Demonstration 3
C-177. convertSecond Demonstration 1
C-178. convertSecondTriple Demonstration 1
C-179. gaRhythm Demonstration 1
C-180. iterateRhythmGroup Demonstration 1
C-181. iterateRhythmHold Demonstration 1
C-182. iterateRhythmWindow Demonstration 1
C-183. loop Demonstration 1
C-184. markovPulse Demonstration 1
C-185. markovRhythmAnalysis Demonstration 1
C-186. pulseSieve Demonstration 1
C-187. pulseSieve Demonstration 2
C-188. pulseTriple Demonstration 1
C-189. pulseTriple Demonstration 2
C-190. rhythmSieve Demonstration 1
C-191. bypass Demonstration 1
C-192. filterAdd Demonstration 1
C-193. filterDivide Demonstration 1
C-194. filterDivideAnchor Demonstration 1
C-195. filterFunnelBinary Demonstration 1
C-196. filterFunnelBinary Demonstration 2
C-197. filterMultiply Demonstration 1
C-198. filterMultiplyAnchor Demonstration 1
C-199. filterPower Demonstration 1
C-200. filterQuantize Demonstration 1
C-201. filterQuantize Demonstration 2
C-202. maskFilter Demonstration 1
C-203. maskScaleFilter Demonstration 1
C-204. orderBackward Demonstration 1
C-205. orderRotate Demonstration 1
C-206. pipeLine Demonstration 1
C-207. replace Demonstration 1