E.2. OutputEngines

E.2.1. EngineAcToolbox

Translates each Texture and each Clone into a Section and writes an Environment file for loading within Paul Berg's AC Toolbox. A Parallel Section, containing references to each of these Sections, is also provided. Compatible with all Orchestras; GeneralMidi Orchestra will be used for event postMap conversions.

E.2.2. EngineAudioFile

Translates events to audio samples, and writes an audio file. Each event's amplitude is scaled between -1 and 1. Event timing and other event parameter data are stripped. Compatible with all Orchestras.

E.2.3. EngineCsoundExternal

Translates events to a Csound score for use with an external orchestra. Event parameters instrument number, start time, and duration are always the first three parameters. Additional event parameters taken from auxiliary parameters. Compatible with all Orchestras.

E.2.4. EngineCsoundNative

Translates events to a Csound score for use with the native Csound orchestra. All event parameters are retained. Compatible only with the CsoundNative Orchestra.

E.2.5. EngineCsoundSilence

Translates Texture and Clone events to a Csound score for use with the Csound Silence system by Michael Goggins. Event parameters follow a standard number and order. Standard panning control applied to x pan event parameter. Compatible only with the CsoundSilence Orchestra.

E.2.6. EngineMidiFile

Translates events to a standard (type 1) MIDI file. Compatible with all Orchestras; in all cases events are translated with the GeneralMidi Orchestra.

E.2.7. EnginePureDataArray

Translates all event parameter streams to individual Pure Data (PD) arrays. Such arrays can be read from at the control or audio rate from within PD using tabread and related objects. Compatible with all Orchestras.

E.2.8. EngineSuperColliderTask

Translates events to a SuperCollider task process file for use with the native SuperCollider orchestra. All event parameters are retained. Compatible only with the SuperColliderNative Orchestra.

E.2.9. EngineText

Translate events to a plain text file. All event parameter values are separated by a delimiter (tab or space) and ended with a return carriage. Compatible with all Orchestras; EventMode Orchestra will be used for event postMap conversions.