Appendix E. OutputFormat and OutputEngine Reference

Table of Contents
E.1. OutputFormats
E.1.1. acToolbox
E.1.2. audioFile
E.1.3. csoundBatch
E.1.4. csoundData
E.1.5. csoundOrchestra
E.1.6. csoundScore
E.1.7. midiFile
E.1.8. pureDataArray
E.1.9. scScd
E.1.10. textSpace
E.1.11. textTab
E.1.12. xmlAthenaObject
E.2. OutputEngines
E.2.1. EngineAcToolbox
E.2.2. EngineAudioFile
E.2.3. EngineCsoundExternal
E.2.4. EngineCsoundNative
E.2.5. EngineCsoundSilence
E.2.6. EngineMidiFile
E.2.7. EnginePureDataArray
E.2.8. EngineSuperColliderTask
E.2.9. EngineText

E.1. OutputFormats

E.1.1. acToolbox

acToolbox: AC Toolbox Environment file. (.act)

E.1.2. audioFile

audioFile: Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) file. (.synth.aif)

E.1.3. csoundBatch

csoundBatch: Platform specific script or batch file. (.bat)

E.1.4. csoundData

csoundData: Csound XML unified file format. (.csd)

E.1.5. csoundOrchestra

csoundOrchestra: Csound orchestra file. (.orc)

E.1.6. csoundScore

csoundScore: Csound score file. (.sco)

E.1.7. midiFile

midiFile: Standard MIDI file. (.mid)

E.1.8. pureDataArray

pureDataArray: PureData (PD) patch with defined arrays. (.pd)

E.1.9. scScd

scScd: SuperCollider task data format. (.scd)

E.1.10. textSpace

textSpace: Space delimited event list. (.space.txt)

E.1.11. textTab

textTab: Tab delimited event list. (.tab.txt)

E.1.12. xmlAthenaObject

xmlAthenaObject: athenaCL native XML format. (.xml)