AthenaUtility: Commands: Displays a list of all AthenaUtility commands.
AUbeat: AthenaUtility: Beat: Simple tool to calculate the duration of a beat in BPM.
AUbug: AthenaUtility: Bug: causes a bug to test the error reporting system.
AUca: AthenaUtility: Cellular Automata: Utility for producing visual representations of values generated by various one-dimensional cellular automata.
AUdoc: AthenaUtility: Documentation: Opens the athenaCL documentation in a web browser. Attempts to load documentation from a local copy; if this fails, the on-line version is loaded.
AUlog: AthenaUtility: Log: If available, opens the athenacl-log file used to store error messages.
AUma: AthenaUtility: Markov Analysis: Given a desired maximum order, this command analyzes the the provided sequence of any space delimited values and returns a Markov transition string.
AUmg: AthenaUtility: Markov Generator: Given a properly formated Markov transition string, this command generates a number of values as specified by the count argument. Markov transition strings are entered using symbolic definitions and incomplete n-order weight specifications. The complete transition string consists of two parts: symbol definition and weights. Symbols are defined with alphabetic variable names, such as "a" or "b"; symbols may be numbers, strings, or other objects. Key and value pairs are notated as such: name{symbol}. Weights may be give in integers or floating point values. All transitions not specified are assumed to have equal weights. Weights are specified with key and value pairs notated as such: transition{name=weight | name=weight}. The ":" character is used as the zero-order weight key. Higher order weight keys are specified using the defined variable names separated by ":" characters. Weight values are given with the variable name followed by an "=" and the desired weight. Multiple weights are separated by the "|" character. All weights not specified, within a defined transition, are assumed to be zero. For example, the following string defines three variable names for the values .2, 5, and 8 and provides a zero order weight for b at 50%, a at 25%, and c at 25%: a{.2}b{5}c{8} :{a=1|b=2|c=1}. N-order weights can be included in a transition string. Thus, the following string adds first and second order weights to the same symbol definitions: a{.2}b{5}c{8} :{a=1|b=2|c=1} a:{c=2|a=1} c:{b=1} a:a:{a=3|b=9} c:b:{a=2|b=7|c=4}. For greater generality, weight keys may employ limited single-operator regular expressions within transitions. Operators permitted are "*" (to match all names), "-" (to not match a single name), and "|" (to match any number of names). For example, a:*:{a=3|b=9} will match "a" followed by any name; a:-b:{a=3|b=9} will match "a" followed by any name that is not "b"; a:b|c:{a=3|b=9} will match "a" followed by either "b" or "c".
AUpc: AthenaUtility: Pitch Converter: Enter a pitch, pitch name, or frequency value to display the pitch converted to all formats. Pitches may be specified by letter name (psName), pitch space (psReal), pitch class, MIDI note number, or frequency. Pitch letter names may be specified as follows: a sharp is represented as "#"; a flat is represented as "$"; a quarter sharp is represented as "~"; multiple sharps, quarter sharps, and flats are valid. Octave numbers (where middle-C is C4) can be used with pitch letter names to provide register. Pitch space values (as well as pitch class) place C4 at 0.0. MIDI note numbers place C4 at 60. Numerical representations may encode microtones with additional decimal places. MIDI note-numbers and frequency values must contain the appropriate unit as a string ("m" or "hz").
AUsys: AthenaUtility: System: Displays a list of all athenaCL properties and their current status.
AUup: AthenaUtility: Update: Checks on-line to see if a new version of athenaCL is available; if so, the athenaCL download page will be opened in a web browser.