EventList: Commands: Displays a list of all EventList commands.
ELauto: EventList: Auto Render Control: Turn on or off auto rendering, causing athenaCL to automatically render (ELr) and hear (ELh) whenever an event list is created with ELn.
ELh: EventList: Hear: If possible, opens and presents to the user the last audible EventList output (audio file, MIDI file) created in the current session.
ELn: EventList: New: Create a new event list, in whatever formats are specified within the active EventMode and EventOutput. Generates new events for all Textures and Clones that are not muted. Specific output formats are determined by the active EventMode (EMo) and selected output formats (EOo).
ELr: EventList: Render: Renders the last event list created in the current session with the Csound application specified by APea.
ELv: EventList: View: Opens the last event list created in the current session as a text document.
ELw: EventList: Save: Write event lists stored in Textures and Clones, in whatever formats specified within the active EventMode and EventOutput; new event lists are not generated, and output will always be identical.