TextureEnsemble: Commands: Displays a list of all TextureEnsemble commands.
TEe: TextureEnsemble: Edit: Edit a user-selected attribute for all Textures.
TEmap: TextureEnsemble: Map: Provides a text-based display and/or graphical display of the temporal distribution of Textures and Clones. This command uses the active graphic output format; this can be selected with the "APgfx" command. Output in "tk" requires the Python Tkinter GUI installation; output in "png" and "jpg" requires the Python Imaging Library (PIL) library installation; output in "eps" and "text" do not require any additional software or configuration.
TEmidi: TextureEnsemble: MidiTempo: Edit the tempo written in a MIDI file. Where each Texture may have an independent tempo, a MIDI file has one tempo. The tempo written in the MIDI file does not effect playback, but may effect transcription into Western notation. The default tempo is 120 BPM.
TEv: TextureEnsemble: View: Displays a list of ParameterObject arguments for a single attribute of all Textures.