B.10. TextureEnsemble Commands

B.10.1. TE

TextureEnsemble: Commands: Displays a list of all TextureEnsemble commands.

B.10.2. TEe

TEe: TextureEnsemble: Edit: Edit a user-selected attribute for all Textures.

B.10.3. TEmap

TEmap: TextureEnsemble: Map: Provides a text-based display and/or graphical display of the temporal distribution of Textures and Clones. This command uses the active graphic output format; this can be selected with the "APgfx" command. Output in "tk" requires the Python Tkinter GUI installation; output in "png" and "jpg" requires the Python Imaging Library (PIL) library installation; output in "eps" and "text" do not require any additional software or configuration.

B.10.4. TEmidi

TEmidi: TextureEnsemble: MidiTempo: Edit the tempo written in a MIDI file. Where each Texture may have an independent tempo, a MIDI file has one tempo. The tempo written in the MIDI file does not effect playback, but may effect transcription into Western notation. The default tempo is 120 BPM.

B.10.5. TEv

TEv: TextureEnsemble: View: Displays a list of ParameterObject arguments for a single attribute of all Textures.