athenaCL Tutorial Manual: Third Edition, Version 2.0.0a15 | ||
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For each dynamic attribute of a TextureInstance, a ParameterObject can be assigned to produce values over the duration of the Texture. Complete documentation for all ParameterObjects can be found in Appendix C. Texture attributes for bpm, local field, local octave, amplitude, panning, and all auxiliary parameters (if required by the instrument) can have independent ParameterObjects.
ParameterObjects are applied to a Texture attribute with an argument list. athenaCL accepts lists in the same comma-separated format of Python list data structures. A list can consist of elements like strings, numbers, and other lists, each separated by a comma. Within athenaCL, text strings need not be in quotes, and sub-lists can be given with either parenthesis or brackets. Each entry in the ParameterObject argument list corresponds, by ordered-position, to an internal setting within the ParameterObject. The first entry in the argument list is always the name of the ParameterObject. ParameterObject names, as well as all ParameterObject configuration strings, can always be accessed with acronyms.
To display a list if all available ParameterObjects, enter the command TPls, for TextureParameter list:
Example 4-20. Displaying all ParameterObjects with TPls
pi{auto-muteHiConga}ti{b1} :: tpls Generator ParameterObject {name} accumulator basketFill basketFillSelect basketGen basketSelect breakGraphFlat breakGraphHalfCosine breakGraphLinear breakGraphPower breakPointFlat breakPointHalfCosine breakPointLinear breakPointPower caList caValue constant constantFile cyclicGen directorySelect envelopeGeneratorAdsr envelopeGeneratorTrapezoid envelopeGeneratorUnit feedbackModelLibrary fibonacciSeries funnelBinary grammarTerminus henonBasket iterateCross iterateGroup iterateHold iterateSelect iterateWindow lineSegment listPrime logisticMap lorenzBasket markovGeneratorAnalysis markovValue mask maskReject maskScale noise oneOver operatorAdd operatorCongruence operatorDivide operatorMultiply operatorPower operatorSubtract pathRead quantize randomBeta randomBilateralExponential randomCauchy randomExponential randomGauss randomInverseExponential randomInverseLinear randomInverseTriangular randomLinear randomTriangular randomUniform randomWeibull sampleAndHold sampleSelect sieveFunnel sieveList staticInst staticRange typeFormat valuePrime valueSieve waveCosine waveHalfPeriodCosine waveHalfPeriodPulse waveHalfPeriodSine waveHalfPeriodTriangle wavePowerDown wavePowerUp wavePulse waveSawDown waveSawUp waveSine waveTriangle Rhythm Generator ParameterObject {name} binaryAccent convertSecond convertSecondTriple gaRhythm iterateRhythmGroup iterateRhythmHold iterateRhythmWindow loop markovPulse markovRhythmAnalysis pulseSieve pulseTriple rhythmSieve Filter ParameterObject {name} bypass filterAdd filterDivide filterDivideAnchor filterFunnelBinary filterMultiply filterMultiplyAnchor filterPower filterQuantize maskFilter maskScaleFilter orderBackward orderRotate pipeLine replace
To display detailed documentation for a ParameterObject, enter the command TPv, for Texture Parameter view. In the following example the user views the ParameterObjects "wavePowerDown" and "noise" by providing command-line arguments for the desired ParameterObject name:
Example 4-21. Viewing ParameterObject reference information
pi{auto-muteHiConga}ti{b1} :: tpv wpd Generator ParameterObject {name,documentation} WavePowerDown wavePowerDown, stepString, parameterObject, phase, exponent, min, max Description: Provides a power down wave between 0 and 1 at a rate given in either time or events per period. Depending on the stepString argument, the period rate (frequency) may be specified in spc (seconds per cycle) or eps (events per cycle). This value is scaled within the range designated by min and max; min and max may be specified with ParameterObjects. The phase argument is specified as a value between 0 and 1. Note: conventional cycles per second (cps or Hz) are not used for frequency. Arguments: (1) name, (2) stepString {'event', 'time'}, (3) parameterObject {secPerCycle}, (4) phase, (5) exponent, (6) min, (7) max pi{auto-muteHiConga}ti{b1} :: tpv noise Generator ParameterObject {name,documentation} Noise noise, resolution, parameterObject, min, max Description: Fractional noise (1/fn) Generator, capable of producing states and transitions between 1/f white, pink, brown, and black noise. Resolution is an integer that describes how many generators are used. The gamma argument determines what type of noise is created. All gamma values are treated as negative. A gamma of 0 is white noise; a gamma of 1 is pink noise; a gamma of 2 is brown noise; and anything greater is black noise. Gamma can be controlled by a dynamic ParameterObject. The value produced by the noise generator is scaled within the unit interval. This normalized value is then scaled within the range designated by min and max; min and max may be specified by ParameterObjects. Arguments: (1) name, (2) resolution, (3) parameterObject {gamma value as string or number}, (4) min, (5) max
The command TPmap provides graphical displays of ParameterObject-generated values. (To configure athenaCL graphics output, see Example 1-11.) The user must supply the name of the ParamaterObject library (Generator, Rhythm, or Filter), the number of events to generate, and the ParameterObject argument list.
Example 4-22. ParameterObject Map display with TPmap
pi{auto-muteHiConga}ti{b1} :: tpmap select a library: Generator, Rhythm, or Filter. (g, r, f): g number of events: 120 enter a Generator ParameterObject argument: wpd, e, 30, 0, 2 wavePowerDown, event, (constant, 30), 0, 2, (constant, 0), (constant, 1) TPmap display complete.
The TPmap, like other athenaCL commands, can be used with command-line arguments. In the following example, the user produces a TPmap display of the noise ParameterObject, generating "brown" fractional noise: